I was recently on-boarded with the coaching platform called Skillest. It is an online base for golf coaches to give lessons, share content, and network to create a brand and following by the exchange of videos. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Skillest was created in 2017 by a PGA teaching professional Baden Schaff and Alan Gao to expand a coaches reach from local clients to anyone around the globe and to provide the opportunity to players and students to find and work with coaches they may not have had access to before. The platform provides very cool tools for coaches to use on video as well!
I began providing lessons on my website a few months ago to share my knowledge of the game. I am still a student of the game, but I know a lot already and have gained valuable experience playing the game at every level from junior golf to professional. I came across Skillest on social media and became interested to find out how I could become part of the program. After applying to be a coach, I had to wait several weeks until they were accepting new coaches into the platform again. Once I was accepted, I was excited to learn more and find out how I can use this to further my career and brand.
As I have scrolled around through the list of coaches, I have been able to recognize several names and faces that I know to be very well established in the teaching side of golf (some who even teach on the PGA Tour). I think it’s very cool to see them using a platform like this to gain a following and expand their reach and it makes me realize the opportunity I have to learn from them. On the other hand, they have become my competition because every student logging onto the app will be looking for a coach and must make a decision who they will choose to work with. To differentiate myself from the competition, I am going to work very hard to create content on this platform and other social media platforms that will drive growth for my brand. I know how the golf swing works and I would love to help people with theirs, but I do not want to get wrapped up in the same technical “golf swing” game that I see so many coaches and teachers stuck in. I want to give lessons and provide instruction that helps a player understand their technique but ultimately improves their ability to move the ball around the course efficiently. I want to help people shoot lower scores. And if anyone knows my brand or has seen my content before, they will know it's not about secrets or “band-aid swing tips”. It’s about putting in disciplined work. That is what I want to share and encourage through the opportunity to teach.
I am excited to be a part of this platform and to finish off this post I am presenting a giveaway! If you are interested in getting a FREE golf lesson from me through Skillest here is how you enter:
-Follow me on Instagram
-Like the Instagram post about this blog
-Send me a DM with your personal best round of golf
The first 7 will get a FREE GOLF LESSON!!
You can find my Skillest profile HERE